Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Media Planning and Buying

Module summary

Module code: MARK1198
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Management and Marketing
Module Coordinator(s): Hyunjoo Lim



The aims include:
to understand the fundamental metrics of audience measurement and media accounting;
to be able to allocate a media budget across multiple media platforms; to understand the relative strengths of a range of media including traditional printed media, broadcast, online and interactive;
to be able to access and use secondary sources of media data and develop strategic and measureable media objectives;
to be able to apply research techniques to the understanding of media consumption; and to study application of media data in strategic marketing thinking in segmentation, targeting and positioning and to be able to evaluate media for the purpose of selecting appropriate platforms that will most effectively deliver advertising messages to the target audience.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this Module a student will be able to:

1. Understand consumers’ consumption and attitudes towards media and the evolving nature of the channels of marketing communications in order to draft a media plan.
2. Understand media planning and buying theory to support an academically rigorous approach to the solving of problems and strategy creation.
3. Understand the connections between consumer behaviour, market research and media planning strategy and usage and evaluate media for the purpose of selecting appropriate platforms that will most effectively deliver advertising messages to the target audience.

Indicative content

• Metrics of audience measurement and media accounting.
• Allocate a media budget across platform.
• Analyse strengths of a range of social media against traditional printed media, advertising and broadcast.
• Access and use secondary sources of media data.
• Media strategy, planning, commerce and metrics.
• Research techniques to understand media trends and consumption –media planning for customer insight.
• Application of media planning data in strategic thinking.
• Audience planning and targeting: segmentation, targeting and market research.
• Current and future trends in media and its role in the implementation of marketing advertising communications.

Teaching and learning activity

• Module lectures, directed reading, case studies, online materials and links to further sources. In class and supported by online discussions.
• Students will take part in discussions in seminar groups. The results of seminar work, research, written plans and finished assignments will be subject to assessment by tutors.
• Students are given access to a range of online sources including online research and encouraged to use online resources to manage the analysis of data and debate.
• Students will work in seminars and online to develop their understanding of concepts, theories and media planning issues .


Method of Summative Assessment: Individual Report.
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2 & 3.
Grading Mode: Numeric.
Weighting: 100.
Pass Mark: 50.
Word Length: 3000 words.
Outline Details: Media Plan Report.