Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Brand Management

Module summary

Module code: MARK1227
Level: 4
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Management and Marketing
Module Coordinator(s): Zivai Mare



The aim of the module is to provide students with an introduction to branding within the broader marketing and corporate strategy context. The module will cover the theoretical and practical aspects of brand management, focusing on establishing criteria for good management practices to develop and maintain sustainable brands, exploring opportunities for brand extension and positioning, and building long-term customer relationships. By the end of the module, students will be able to describe effective branding strategies and make informed decisions about brand management in a business context.

Learning outcomes

On completing this course successfully you will be able to:

LO1 Define a brand and identify its elements, purpose and organisational necessity
LO2 Apply theoretical frameworks to brands, branding activities, and brand management.
LO3 Recognise branding challenges and describe branding problems.

Indicative content

Introduction to Branding
Ethical Branding
Brand Philosophy
Brand Positioning
Brand Identity
Brand Integration
Branding in the Digital Era
Brand Equity
Brand Extension
Brand Mergers and Acquisitions
Brand Architecture
Contemporary issues in Brand Management

Teaching and learning activity

12 weeks with 1 hour of seminar.

12 weeks with 1 hour of Lecture.

Group Study
Group activities during tutorials.

Self-directed learning
126 hours over 12 weeks of 1 term.
Field visits
Visit to the Museum of Brands, London.
Case studies
The teaching method will also include guest lectures, role play and videos.


Business Report: 100% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2 3.
Outline Details: To prepare a business report on two brands merging and propose a new brand for the merger. 3000 words.

Formative Assessment:
Group presentation
Class Quiz
Short reflective pieces
Presented elevator pitch