Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Advertising Campaign Management

Module summary

Module code: MARK1228
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Management and Marketing
Module Coordinator(s): Chen Yang


Pre and co requisites

MARK1192 Introduction to Advertising.


Following MARK1192 Introduction to Advertising in L4, Advertising Campaign Management takes a wider view of advertising and promotion in the business context, and considers how it integrates into the overall marketing plan to achieve corporate objectives. Students will be taught a variety of academic models used to evaluate the effectiveness of existing advertising effort and which they will apply to planned campaigns. The course will also address the agency-side of the industry, considering how agencies are structured, remunerated, and staffed.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

1 Analyse an existing advertising campaign, applying a variety of academic models to explain how it is likely to be effective
2 Understand how advertising fits within the corporate communications mix and its role in helping to achieve the company’s overall objectives
3 Devise an effective integrated advertising campaign for client-side companies

Indicative content

1. The role of academic models in decision making and analysis
2. IMC planning background and decisions
3. Integrated brand promotion methods
4. Planning and placing messages in traditional and new media
5. Working in an agency, the different types of agencies and their structures; how this is changing to reflect new advertising and marketing realities
6. Controls and measuring advertising effectiveness across multiple media

Teaching and learning activity

The Course is structured with lectures and tutorials. Lectures frame the topic and guide students to specific concepts and models requiring further reading. Each lecture will be one-hour long and designed to stimulate students’ own research and reading. Tutorials follow lectures, thus giving students time to review notes and prepare for class discussions and presentations (formal and informal). Tutorials are about applying what has been learnt to a set task, for example analysing Case Studies by relating theory to practice. All the materials for lectures and tutorials will be made available on Moodle, in addition to Panopto video recording and moodle quiz for revision.


Individual Report (3000 words) - 100% weighting, 40% pass mark. Learning outcomes 1, 2 & 3.
Outline Details - Individual report has the summary of group presentation (formative assessment), individual contribution to the group work, and critical reflection on the group work process.

Formative Assessments - 20 mins group presentation.