Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Migration and Citizenship

Module summary

Module code: SOCI1123
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department: Humanities and Social Sciences
Module Coordinator(s): Elena Vacchelli / Franca Roeschert / Linda Pedersen



International migration has become increasingly a major focus of attention from academics across a broad range of disciplines, politicians, policy makers and the media. Indeed in the past few years, issues such as the large flows of migrants and refugees from zones of political conflict and economic instability and free movement within Europe have risen to the top of the political agenda. This module examines contemporary processes of migration in the context of these economic, social and political changes in Britain and Europe. The module’s learning aims are:

1. Gain an in-depth understanding of contemporary processes of migration and the diversity of migrant flows within a global context and how these have been theorised by migration scholars;
2. Critically analyse current debates concerning borders, mobility, diversity, integration and migrant communities;

Assess experiences, identities and social networks of migrants themselves. Given the dynamic nature of this area, the module shall try and respond to new developments and hope that students will contribute their own experiences and interests to the discussions.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

1 Access a range of material relevant to the study of contemporary migration.
2 Evaluate theoretical aspects of contemporary migration.
3 Use alternative conceptual frameworks to explain contemporary migration including mobility, transnationalism, integration, and citizenship.
4 Critically appraise sources and methods for investigating specific migration debates.
5 Develop media skills through podcast broadcasting.
6 Understanding different communication registers (from academic to broadcasting)

Indicative content

The module ‘Migration and citizenship’ examines contemporary processes of migration in the context of economic, social and political changes in Britain and Europe. It focuses firstly on an understanding contemporary theories, debates and approaches concerning migration processes and the diversity of migrant flows within a global context; secondly, on the politics of immigration, integration and citizenship and thirdly on the development of migrant communities and experiences, identities and social networks of migrants. The module also provides students with methodological tools for researching migration. The assessment designed for this module aims at ensuring understanding of theoretical aspects of migration and bridging theory and practice through the realisation of a podcast.

Teaching and learning activity

Blended learning
Visits to relevant exhibitions/events
Recording a podcast


Critical Review: 40% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 1 - 4.
Word Length: 2000 words.
Outline Details: Initial review on migration theory and practice .

Podcast: 60% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 5 - 6.
Word Length: 1000 words.
Outline Details: Recording and editing a podcast.

Formative Assessment: In seminars students are expected to do the assigned readings and exercises and to be able to discuss their findings during the class.