Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Digital Business

Module summary

Module code: BUSI1813
Level: 7
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Engineering
Module Coordinator(s): Fazle Chowdhury



To provide an understanding of digital business and the practices and processes needed to develop and implement digital strategies effectively.

Learning outcomes

LO1 Describe the rise and development of the concept of digital business and the development of competitive advantage through digital technologies that can be integrated within business in variety of contexts;
LO2 Understand and evaluate the trends in technology in digital business through successful digital transformation plans; and to analyse and interpret different approaches to the development of digital platforms;
LO3 Reflect how digital technologies can be integrated within business in variety of contexts including analysis design and implementation;
LO4 Review the legal, ethical, social, and professional standards needed to be applied to a digital and technology solution.

Indicative content

- Digital Business Background and Introduction - Introduction to digital business and e-commerce; Marketplace analysis of e-commerce; Digital business infrastructure; E-environment;
- Digital Business Strategy and Applications – digital business strategy; supply chain management; e-procurement; e-marketing; customer relationship management;
- Implementation – change management; analysis and design; digital business service implementation and optimisation;
- legal, ethical, social, and professional standards.

Teaching and learning activity

Lectures will provide a conceptual framework of all key areas. Students will work individually for their assignments. Lecturers from industry will supplement practical input and experience. The Module will use industry examples from recent research, teaching case studies and practical tasks in class. There will also be a requirement for the Lecturer and students to bring examples of current Module relevant and applicable developments in relevant technologies to in-class discussions, to augment the groups’ overall knowledge.
Group Study:
Group study will be encouraged, and learners will often analyse case studies and present to the class.
Self-directed learning:
At this stage of study, learners will be directed towards a fair amount of self-learning, especially related to relevant research papers and impact case studies.


Case Study on Business Models - 40%
LO - 1-3.
Pass mark - 40%
1000 words

Individual Research Paper Report - 60%
LO - 1-4.
Pass mark - 40%
2000 words.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment/task supporting student learning:
Case study discussions, and lab-based activities around e-business tools.