Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Criminal Law

Module summary

Module code: LAW1253
Level: 5
Credits: 30
School: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department: Law and Criminology
Module Coordinator(s): Carol Withey


Pre and co requisites



The course will introduce students to the fundamental principles of criminal liability, followed by a study of selected criminal offences and defences. The course will develop the skills of legal writing, problem solving, statutory interpretation, reflective analysis and research skills. Focus will be on problem solving as this is the main skill that a lawyer will require when practising criminal law. In addition, to reflect the new Solicitor's Qualifying Exams (SQE) the course will now also focus on short answer question, including multiple choice format. This will prepare students for the vocational stage of training. Where relevant, practical procedural aspects, such as sentencing, will be referred to.

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate a deep understanding and analysis of the general principles of criminal liability as applied to specific criminal offences and defences.
2. Demonstrate the development of legal research skills.
3. Demonstrate the development of statutory interpretation skills.
4. Demonstrate problem solving skills in relation to complex factual situations, including reflection, analysis and appreciation of structure.
5 Demonstrate an ability to answer short answers questions presented in multiple choice format, where exact legal positions must be identified from a selection of similar options.
6. Demonstrate appropropriate use of written English .
7. Demonstate the appropriate use of legal terminology.

Indicative content

General principles of criminal law, offences against the person, the defence of consent in relation to offences against the person, murder and manslaughter, rape, theft, robbery, burglary, fraud, insanity, automatism, intoxication, duress, necessity, self-defence.

Teaching and learning activity

The course will be taught through a combination of lectures, seminars and group work.


1. Multi-choice exam in January assessment period. 30 short answer questions covering first term topics. 2 hours. 50% weighting. passmark 40% (12 questions)

2. Examination - problem solving questions covering term 2 topics. 2 hours plus 15 minutes reading time, answer 2/6 questions. 50% weighting. Pass mark - 40%.

Formative Assessment: Seminars on each topic covering problems solving and multi choice questions. Students will be provided with suggested bullet point answers for self-reflection and self-marking. Students will have one problem solving seminar question marked by tutors to provide feedback before the exam.