
Our mentors

We help to match students and other users of our services with mentors who can provide 1-1 guidance.

We help to match students and other users of our services with mentors who can provide 1-1 guidance.

We are always looking for new mentors to join our pool. If you’re an expert in your field, an entrepreneur, or an alumni with enterprise experience and want to share your knowledge and experience please register your interest here: 

Frequently asked questions

What kind of advice will I be expected to provide?

Our mentors act as critical friends to students who will challenge assumptions and scrutinize their business model. You don’t need to have the answers to everything, you need to be able to help guide and motivate students through the process of developing an idea.

Is there any training available?

We will brief you about what’s required on different mentoring programmes, and you can check in with us at any time for advice.

What will I get out of it?

Our mentors act on a voluntary basis. They participate for the experience of giving something back, sharing knowledge, and helping aspiring entrepreneurs on their journey. You will also have access to our networking events and co-working space in the heart of Greenwich.

What are the timescales and types of mentorship?

The Generator offers entrepreneurs mentorship via three of our programmes, ranging from 3 hours of group support at events, to 1-1 mentoring over a period of 3 months. For more information please click on the following links: #GreStartUpEnterprise ChallengeAccelerator

Can I mentor remotely?

If you’re mentoring for the Enterprise Challenge (a 1-1 relationship with a student over two months) you can mentor remotely using Teams, Zoom or phone calls if this is easier than meeting up in person.