IT and Library Services

ITSM Project FAQ

Here we share answers to your frequently asked questions about the ITSM Project. We will update this page so please check back regularly.

If you have a question about the ITSM Project which we haven’t included here please contact the project team via itservicedesk@gre.ac.uk

What is ITSM?

IT Service Management (ITSM) is how we manage the delivery of IT services to you. This includes all the processes and activities necessary to design, create, deliver, and support IT services.

Why are we moving to a new system?

Our current system was coming up for renewal, so an opportunity presented itself to review the system to ascertain whether it would meet our university Digital Strategy requirements.

When will the new ITSM system go live?

We are planning to launch HaloITSM in November 2024. We will update these web pages regularly and share the latest news and information with you.

I have a Sunrise login - when will I get trained on the new system?

If your role requires you to use the new ITSM system, we will be contacting you to arrange training in October.

We will share information about using the new IT Self-Service Portal and knowledgbase through these web pages and the university's Internal Communications channels.

Will I still be able to telephone or email the IT Service Desk?

Yes. We will encourage all staff and students to use the Self-Service Portal, search the knowledgebase and log tickets online wherever possible, but you will still be able to contact us by phone and email.