IT and Library Services

New Project

Requesting a new project or development

To request a change to an existing IT system, or the addition of a new one, the first step is to complete a Project Request Form. The form will take you through a series of steps to help you develop your idea and clearly communicate your requirements with colleagues in IT and Library Services (ILS). Please complete a Business Intelligence Development Form for a change to Business Objects report.

All new IT project requests or developments must be requested via the completion of a ‘Project Request’ form. There may sometimes be project requests that have already been decided as part of the Digital Strategy (such as large-scale projects such as Asset Management) which do not require a Project Request Form, however, they will still require a Business Case and to follow the PMF.

For capital spend, as well as getting ILS approval, the below approvals are required:

  • £0K to £150k – Project Request approved by PVC/ Director and Business Partnering Function
  • £150k to £300k – Project Request approved by DVC/ COO and AFD
  • £300k to £1 million – Business Case approved by VC and CFO
  • Over £1 million – Business Case approved by Finance Committee

All our New Project forms are listed below, select the appropriate one for your needs and submit to the contact listed on the firm.

For Estates and Building Projects, all requests for new work should be submitted using the EFD Project Request Form, which can be requested from the Estates Team via email.

Reviewing and approving your request

All requests will be initially assessed by the ILS Triage group. Part of this assessment will be to determine the potential size or risk of the project/development request and to determine whether the project needs to go through the university's governance process for further discussion and agreement or whether the project can go ahead.

"New Project" Documentation

Select the appropriate form to submit a new project or new report request.