Research activities

CCRG | PhD Research

The Connected Cities Research Group welcomes enquiries by enthusiastic applicants willing to embark on PhD Research.

New PhD Opportunities:

The process of how to apply for PhD studies with us.

There are usually two annual intakes, but you are highly encouraged to contact potential supervisors at an early stage, particularly when you start preparing a research proposal.

A proposal should include:

  • An introduction of research background
  • Research gaps identified from literature review
  • Clarification of research aims, objectives, and questions
  • Research methodology that you intend to use
  • Justification of research methodology
  • Research project timetable (a Gantt chart)

While any city, business model, supply chain management, urbanisation, related subject is welcome, we are currently particularly interested in the following themes:

Strategic decision making, strategy process, East-West differences, Chinese culture, managerial cognition, strategy-as-practice 
Innovation Management 
Cycling, Electric Vehicles, SNMDr Petros Ieromonachou

Manufacturing Strategies, Business Ecosystem, Entrepreneurial/innovation Ecosystem, Platform Competition

Sustainable transport, Wellbeing and TransportDr Claire Papaix
Closed loop supply chain, waste managementDr Li Zhou

Current PhD Students:

  • Jingwen Qu Internationalisation strategy and process: An empirical study in emerging economies
  • Hanhua Li
  • Le Thuy An Dang
  • Minli Song
  • Tiep Nguyen

Graduated PhD Students:

  • Eckhard Erbsland: A qualitative and quantitative analysis of corporate performance by adapting wireless machine-to-machine applications in supply chain management (Part Time). MPhil/PhD transfer viva completed.
  • Truong Nguyen: Big Data Driven Decision Making in Supply Chain Management.
  • Sadiye Sadanoglu: Urban Sustainability Performance Management.
  • Thitika Ratanachaikul: Research on sustainable behavior for SMEs.
  • Tiep Nguyen: Big data analytics in closed-loop supply chain management.
  • Anusha Anusha - 'Waste Free Cities – A Value Chain Road Map for Future Smart Cities'
  • Xu Zhao - 'Exploring the links between transport & wellbeing: the boat factor' 09/2017. MPhil/PhD transfer viva completed
  • Qiwen Hu  Evolution of a manufacturing system and its manufacturing strategies
  • Shaika Jannat Cultivating Sustainable Consumer Behaviours within the Sharing Economy: An Empirical Study of Bike-Sharing
  • Fanny Paschek - 'Smart Cities: Transportation strategies for sustainable urban futures'
  • Xiaoyu Gu - 'Mapping and Optimising a Triple Supply Chain: Electric Vehicles, Batteries, and Energy Supply'
  • Lin Huang - Supply Chain Collaboration – From Dyads to Triads