Centre for Creative Futures

Our Impact

Our Impact on the World

Cinema, television, theatre, performance and other creative arts are vital to the UK. They employ millions, generate more economic value than the aerospace, life sciences and automotive industries combined, and immeasurably enhance our quality of life. Yet the pace of change is accelerating, as new virtual, augmented and extended reality digital technologies emerge. The Centre for Creative Futures seeks to address the profound questions this raises about how, in the future, we will produce, consume and participate in the creative arts. Which forms of liveness and intimacy will these technologies mediate? What new collaborative models can generate new forms of connection? And how can we identify ways to empower marginalised voices and promote positive change?

Through practice-based and traditional forms of research, the Centre seeks to contribute to many of the (SDGs). Examples include:

  • Our work on the role of creative practice and healthcare training and simulation for nurses, which suppports Good Health and Wellbeing (SDG3).
  • The ‘Safe Working Practices in Theatre’ project, launched in the wake of the #MeToo movement and focusing on making creative productions safer and more accessible for participants and audiences, which contributes to Gender Equality (5).
  • Our hosting of a new PhD scholarship for researchers with a disability, aimed at studying and addressing the isolation of certain communities, which supports Reduced Inequalities (10).
  • The award-winning ‘Radio Ghost’ project, using serious games technology in public spaces, such as shopping malls, to highlight supply chain and human rights issues, which supports Responsible Consumption and Production (12).
  • Our creative partnerships with local communities in Brazil during COP 30, enabling indigenous voices to create alternatives to the western-dominated narrative on climate change, which supports Climate Action (13).