Centre for Sound and Image

Research Facilities

Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with a wide range of professional studios and equipment

Designed to enable work across a range of different spatial audio formats including – Higher Order Ambisonics (up to 4th Order), Dolby Atmos, Auro 3D, DTS-X – this flexible facility will be equipped with Genelec 8331 loudspeakers, with their concentric tri-axial drivers offering unrivaled spatial reproduction ensuring maximum immersive fidelity. World leading digital to analogue conversion via RME MADI interfaces and the latest Oculus Quest VR headsets complete this studio to provide fully immersive AV rendering with the highest resolution in sound and image.

Extensive upgrades to the existing traditional theatre space will transform its functionality from a single purpose front-facing theatre to a fully flexible immersive theatre, enabling reverse presentations or ‘in-the round’ performances. This new theatre space will enable presentation of immersive media works at scale with robust and flexible infrastructure to accommodate a wide range of needs and research imperatives.

State-of-the-art Virtual Production filmmaking facility with a 6×3 meter ultra-high definition LED wall (1.5mm pixel pitch and calibrated maximum brightness of 1200 nits), to render virtual environments as fully interactive and flexible backdrops, upgrading ‘green screen’ technology to provide superior photorealistic rendered virtual worlds.


We have a wide selection of microphones for recording, including ,  and  microphones with  accessories. In addition to ambisonic microphones Eigenmike, Zylia etc.

Generating immersive 3D soundfields, the IKO uses an array of twenty speakers to project Higher Order Ambisonic sound spaces.

As a standard we use  loudspeakers in all of our studios, edit suites and in multichannel concerts and installations.

We use the latest professional audio editing software in our studios including , , ,  and , among many others.

Other facilities:

  • Surround Sound Cinema style lecture theatre
  • Digital Art and Design Lab