
Our commitment to Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Race Action Plan


It is our responsibility to tackle racism here at Greenwich, to have deeper and more honest conversations about race and to lead as a university.

Over this last year we have seen changes taking place at our university to evolve our role and responsibilities to tackle racism. We stand with a firm commitment not to be bystanders and have launched our EDI Race Action Plan with powerful and ambitious deliverance. We want to ensure we hold ourselves to account as we step proudly towards our future and lead with courage and individuality to combat racism within our university community and beyond.

We want everyone to feel welcomed, valued and heard and the launch of our Race Action Plan is only the beginning of our journey to drive change and tackle inequality.

EDI Race Action Plan Launch

You can watch the full EDI Race Action Plan Launch event from 25 May 2021 as part of our UNITE week and in honour of the first year anniversary of George Floyd’s death . The EDI Race Action Plan, presented by Jas Seehra-Pearce and Dr Myrtle Emmanuel is a comprehensive strategy and guide to our 6 key guiding principles underpinning the actions and work that will out carried out under the EDI Race Plan.

Our journey so far

Black Lives Matter: A joint statement - On 9 June 2020 Vice-Chancellor Prof Jane Harrington published a joint statement alongside GSU Officers, Chairs of the EDI Committee and Chair of the BAME staff network, following the death of George Floyd in the USA. The statement set out our firm commitment to review our equality and diversity work and the appointment of two EDI Race Advisors. You can read the full joint statement here.

The Big Promise for Race Equality Week 2021 - you can also read our pledge as part of the Big Promise here.

You can also read more about our work on tackling racism here at Greenwich and the progress we are making in the articles below.

Our student and staff networks

You can join our BAME staff network by emailing BAME@gre.ac.uk or GSU's BAME Society by emailing Aatika Ayoub or Zoe Campbell, or email any suggestions you may have about how the university should take further action to Simone Murch and Jonathan Gascoigne from our EDI team.

Also see:  What do we know? and Resources for universities.

Current staff; Current students