Brand Guidelines


We have established a portfolio of approved sub-brands, reflecting the uniqueness of some parts of the university and the audiences they serve. This portfolio must be carefully managed as failure of a sub-brand can jeopardise the parent brand.

In general, internal departments supporting our staff and student communities are best represented by our parent brand, emphasising the university’s authority, cohesion and unity.

Departments or faculties that regularly engage in local, national or global promotional and/or recruitment activities are permitted a sub-brand in exceptional circumstances.

How we have assessed our existing sub-brand portfolio
We assessed the benefits of our sub-brands taking into consideration whether these outweigh the parent brand’s own advantages, which include:

Brand cohesion: a strong identity is easy for consumers to understand and supports the overall brand message

Value for money: resources for a single brand can be allocated more efficiently

Consistency: coherent messaging, design, and values foster strong brand recognition and customer trust

Efficiency: processes are streamlined, simplifying product development, marketing, and relationships with our target audiences

Clarity: a single brand presents a clear and unified image of the university, making it easier for prospective students and their guardians to make decisions.

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