IT and Library Services

Audio / Visual Assignments

The Panopto system is accessible to all members of the university; students and staff. It can therefore be used for students to make and share recorded activities and assignments. This can be done in three ways: student presentations or performances can be recorded by lecturers using the Panopto recorder; students can record their own activities or make screencasts using the Panopto recorder, storing them in a specific submission "dropbox" (to facilitate this, see ''); students can upload recordings and media files created using other software into Panopto, taking advantage of Panopto's hosting and playback facilities.

Case Studies & Examples

Live student presentations at California State University: 

Student-recorded modern foreign language assignment:

What works well in audiovisual assignments?

Key concepts & principles

Audiovisual assignments can allow students to articulate their understanding of various concepts more clearly than in writing. They also give students practice in a range of presentation and narrative modes, which may be extremely relevant for professional practice in the discipline and their future career.

Processes and procedures

Good practice in setting audiovisual assignments is little different from written assignments.

You will want to: 

  • Be clear on the assessment criteria
  • Be clear on what success & failure look like
  • Be clear that audiovisual assignments still require proper research and well-thought out arguments to create a strong project
  • Determine whether the project can be broken into smaller segments

However, you may also need to consider:

What level of technical skills will be necessary, and consequently whether/how technical skills will be taught

What an appropriate length or quantity for the assignment would be to enable students to meet the assessment criteria satisfactorily and for the credit awarded (just as you might use word count in a written essay)

Things to consider:

Jisc Digital Media's guide to Screencasting aimed at both teachers and learners and makes these helpful suggestions:

  • Remember to be aware of accessibility considerations when either creating or assigning projects requiring the use of digital media.
  • Consider the recording location with regard to noise, lighting, and privacy.
  • Be clear about the learning outcomes, content, format and length
  • Be clear about any copyright permission you may need, if necessary. 
  • Screen capture may capture everything on your desktop, so beware of potential security issues.
  • Don't forget to test the recording environment and your equipment to ensure everything is working properly.