The Computational Mechanics and Reliability Group have acquired significant computational resources to support their research. This cornerstone of the capability is based around an 8 node / 160 core Xeon E5 cluster with a total of 1024 GB memory. This is linked to 2 NAS storage systems with a capacity in excess of 45 TB. This central computer facility is augmented by High-End GPU workstations with 20 Xeon cores, 128 GB memory and Nvidia P5000 GPUs. The group have a range of state-of-the-art structural mechanics, computational fluid dynamics and multiphysics software packages, including ANSYS multiphysics and COMSOL and CAD packages such as Autodesk Inventor.
Our research and enterprise activities are supported by Government bodies such as UKRI, and DoD (USA) and industry. Our research involves developing modelling techniques to support the design of complex engineering components and systems. Methodologies based on multi-physics/multi-scale modelling, optimisation, and machine learning are developed to predict the quality of advanced manufacturing processes and reliability of high-value added engineering systems.
Recent projects include:
- Real-time Virtual Prototypes for Power Electronics Supply Chain (RTVP). Funded by EPSRC (EP/X024377/1), 2023-2026, £1.3M (CMRG: £320,000). A collaborative project, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham and supported by four industrial partners, with a focus on a new Real-Time Virtual Prototype (RTVP) model architecture for power electronic components that utilises reduced order modelling algorithms and fast simulation runs. The models allow system manufacturers to evaluate system performance, wear-out and reliability under mission profiles and over extended periods. The models can be configured to hide sensitive design and performance data and thus enable component manufacturers to release accurate, 3D simulation models of their components whilst protecting sensitive IP.
- Microelectronics Reliability driven by Artificial Intelligence (MIRELAI). Funded by the EU-HORIZON Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network, and UKRI-guaranteed (EPSRC EP/X030148/1), 2022-2027, €3.5M (CMRG-MCS Ltd: £266,000). A Doctoral Network programme formed by 21 organisations (TU-Delft, IMEC, Bosch, Siemens, etc.) from 7 European countries that comprise 13 doctorate research projects. The research project at the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ, in collaboration with Materials Consultancy Services (MCS Ltd.), is on Microstructure Informed Modelling and AI for Reliability Predictions. The research project is developing a novel micro-structure informed reliability prediction approach for micro-electronic packaging designs based on a combination of state-of-the-art metrology and failure characterization methods at MCS and advanced physics-of-failure modelling and machine learning.
- Closed-Loop Digitalised Data Analytics Platform for Power Electronic Modules (DAAP-PEM) Funded by EPSRC (EP/W006642/1, EP/W006405/1, EP/W006308/1), 2022 2024, £906,000 (CMRG: £321,000). A collaborative research project with King’s College London and the University of Liverpool, supported by Dynex Semiconductors, that seeks to develop a digitalised Data Analytics and Analysis Platform (DAAP) for Power Electronic Modulus based on a novel LF-OCT imaging method, quality/reliability predictions using physics-informed AI and Machine Learning (ML), and integration and use of multiple formats and sources of characterisation data.
- Fundamentals of Electronics Packaging: Going Global India - Exploratory Grant. Funded by British Council (IND/CONT/G/21-22/35), 2022, £18,000. This collaborative project with the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and Jadavpur University, India developed industry-informed and research-informed content for a teaching module on “Fundamentals of Electronics Packaging”. The main innovation is the multi-disciplinary nature of the course contents bringing together aspects of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computation engineering.
- High Reliability Interconnects: New Methodologies for Lead-Free Solders: Funded by EPSRC (EP/R019207), 2018-2021, £1.1M (CMRG: £105,910).A collaborative project with the Department of Materials at Imperial College that is developing integrated multi-scale (microstructural – component level) computational models to predict the damage and subsequent reliability of lead-free solder interconnects for Ball Grid Array electronic packages.
- Multi-Domain Virtual Prototyping Techniques for Wide-Bandgap Power Electronics: Funded by EPSRC (EP/R004390), 2017-2021, £1,07M (CMRG £350,000). Working with the Power Electronics Group at the University of Nottingham and the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Bristol, this research project is developing multi-domain (electrical, thermal, mechanical) to support the design of next generation wide-band-gap power electronics modules.
- Reliability Prediction Analysis for Solder Joint integrity: Funded by GDAIS and DMEA (USA), 2014-2019, (CMRG: £750,000), this project developed and use finite element models and computational intelligence techniques (e.g. machine learning algorithms) to identify refinishing processes (e.g. hot solder dipping and laser reballing) to ruggedise commercial off-the-shelf electronic components for aerospace applications. In collaboration with industry partners such as Micross Semiconductors and Leonardo, the research also developed models to predict the reliability of several electronic package types including QFN’s, BGA’s, CSP’s and leaded components.
- Technically high element alignment: Funded by Innovate-UK (84066-518163), 2017-2018, £67,469. CRMG collaborated with Microsemi and Amethyst to investigate fine pitch assembly of compound semiconductor chips for infra-red focal point arrays.
- Underpinning Power Electronics - Hub: Funded by EPSRC (EP/K035304), 2013-2020, £4,108,000: This vision of this centre vision is that the Centre will be the UK's internationally recognised provider of world-leading, underpinning power electronics research, combining the UK's best academic talent. As a partner in this centre, CMRG led the cross theme activity in Modelling and Simulation.
- Underpinning Power Electronics - Components Theme: Funded by EPSRC (EP/K034804), 2013–2017, £1,976,000. In collaboration with the universities of Bristol, Nottingham, Manchester, Warwick and Imperial College, this project investigated the functional and structural integration of active and passive power electronic components. CMRG led on the work-package – design tools and modelling.
- Saving the Medway Queen: Funded by Innovate-UK, KTP, 2012-2014, £60,000. Working in collaboration with the Medway Queen Preservation Society, CMRG used its finite element modelling capability (as developed for the ship Cutty Sark during its conservation) to assess the structural behaviour of the ship – Medway Queen (Heroine of Dunkirk) – during its conservation. The conservation was successful and the Medway Queen is now located in Chatham Dockyard.
- NextFactory: Funded by the European Commission (FP7), 2012 2016, £350,000 Euros. This was multi-European institution project that investigated the development of 3D printing technologies for packaging of electronic and micro-mechatronic systems. CMRG expertise in multi-physics modelling and machine learning supported the projects deliverables in optimising the design and materials selection.
- PEMREL: Funded by the European Commission (FP7), 2010–2014, 200,00 Euros. This was a collaborative project with SEMILAB and Dynex semiconductors. CMRG developed finite element models and physics of failure methods to predict the reliability of power electronic modules. The techniques were embedded into the CMRG tool ‘PowerLife’.
- An Innovative Electronics Manufacturing Research Centre: Funded by EPSRC (EP/H03014X), 2010–2015, £9,088,809. One of 16 IMRC’s, this project focused on research related to the electronics manufacturing sector. In partnership with research teams at the universities of Loughborough, Bath, Heriot-Watt, Brunel and Lancaster, CRMG was a member of the executive committee of this centre. CRMG was also supported to undertake modelling and simulation research in areas such as power electronics assembly, advanced system level packaging of electronic components, and microwave curing of electronic packaging materials.