Digital Shark Expo

Anurag Rawat

Anurag Rawat profile photo



Project website

Project title


Project aim

The primary goal of this project is to develop a Content Management System (CMS) tool specifically designed for creating, managing, and customising personalised web dashboards.

Project outline

Dashgen is a CMS Tool for building personalised dashboards with built-in integration for heterogeneous data sources. The increasing amount of data pouring in from various sources such as databases, APIs, and cloud services requires practical tools for visualisation and decision-making.

Regardless of industry, size, or nature, organisations can use this data to uncover valuable insights. However, integrating and managing such a vast amount of data poses significant challenges. The primary issue is the complexity and time-consuming nature of building and maintaining web dashboards that are critical for effective data visualisation.

Traditional methods require specialised skills in data visualisation, web development, and database management. This makes it difficult for analysts and decision-makers to customise their dashboards according to their needs. Moreover, the diverse nature of data sources adds another layer of complexity. The data comes in various structured and unstructured formats, which complicates the process of mapping and transforming it into a standardised format suitable for integration and visualisation.

The primary goal of this project is to develop a Content Management System (CMS) tool specifically designed for creating, managing, and customising personalised web dashboards. Dashgen will provide seamless integration capabilities for heterogeneous data sources, enabling users to efficiently visualise and analyse data from multiple streams in real-time.


A screenshot of the Dashgen home page featuring a screen with a bar chart and various settings