CCRG | Connected Cities Research Group

Connected Cities Research Group

Our research group focuses on innovation management, urban accessibility and equity, ICT for transport, logistics and closed loop supply chains, business eco-systems, tourism management, strategic management for city and regional authorities.

About Us

Cities throughout the world have a different vision as to what will achieve realisation of their goals and at the same time face very diverse problems with different regional, political, legal, technical, and economic contexts.

Interaction and connectivity between cities in designing models and sharing successful practices has so far been driven by individual efforts or interests. Transition to a circular economy requires changes in many different areas of the current socio-economic system. This is a complex process involving technical, social and economic domains with a focus on enabling factors that guide the transition process.

If one of the most powerful enablers of a circular economy is business model innovation, this needs to be supported by appropriate policy frameworks as well as user acceptance. Therefore the Connected Cities Research Group engages in relevant academic research and consultancy projects in the UK and internationally. Current specialisations include urban innovation management, ICT for transport, logistics and closed loop supply chains, business eco-systems, tourism management, strategic management for city and regional authorities.

We are constantly looking to expand our collaboration network, so get in touch about research proposals, PhD student queries or consultancy services after browsing the Connected Cities profile and webpages.

Read more.


Our group has close collaboration with professional organisations such as and .

Our partners also include Universities in the UK and abroad, including countries such as Australia, Brazil, China, France, Indonesia, Italy and the United States.

Research and Consultancy Projects

Connected Cities Research Group members have been involved in a range of academic and consultancy projects, as well as long and short course delivery. Research includes UK funded activities e.g. by Research Councils, the British Council, FP-6 and FP-7 European projects, COST Actions, as well as government funded research.

We are keen in expanding our portfolio and are currently also seeking collaborations from developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Read more about our Research and Consultancy Projects here.
