
CBNA | Centre for Business Network Analysis

Focusing on social and economic network analysis

The Centre for Business Network Analysis is applying the techniques of organisational network analysis to a wide range of business problems, re-conceiving individual firms, organisations and markets as structured relationships.

About Us

Çï¿ûÊÓƵ has the largest concentration of business network analysts in Europe. Organisational and economical network analysis is providing powerful insights into the ways people relate to one another within and across organisational boundaries. The techniques allow a rigorous quantification of many aspects of relationships that have previously at best been sensed intuitively.

The Centre for Business Network Analysis is applying the techniques of organisational network analysis to a wide range of business problems, re-conceiving individual firms, organisations and markets as structured relationships.

Our experts have published widely and are working on a range of current research projects including knowledge transfer within the creative industries, high-tech industrial clusters, diffusion through networks, enhanced networking with social media, black and minority ethnic career support networks and inter-organisational networks in micro-finance.

We provide:

  • Latest: 
  • Short courses
  • Training in software and analysis
  • Problem-solving and software consultancy
  • Postgraduate courses
  • PhD supervision
  • Presentations to corporate audiences
  • Commissioned research

Learning network analysis will give you the tools to solve business problems, influence your organisation and management. It will enable you to be one step ahead of your peers and to find out how professionals relate to one another. Learn about advanced methods, tools, theories and applications in our workshops and hone skills in our accelerated development programme.

What is social network analysis?

Social network analysis provides the capacity to map and understand the patterns of linkages between subjects, whether these are individuals, projects, project teams, departments, business functions, entire organisations, or even documents, databases or regulations. A connection between two or more of these subjects indicates some sort of relationship, frequently information, affinity or advice, which influences social behaviour.

Understanding how your business is affected by the social networks within and outside it can unleash new opportunities and deliver many benefits. We can help you by providing powerful insights into the new ways people interact.

Supporting your business

Our social network analysis techniques allow a rigorous quantification of many aspects of relationships that have previously at best been sensed only intuitively. The business applications of social network analysis or economic network analysis can help in the following ways:

Social network analysis

  • Improving information flows and knowledge-sharing
  • Increasing innovative capacity
  • Building communities of practice
  • Removing blockages to career progression
  • Fast-track integration in mergers
  • Better corporate governance
  • Improving inter-organisational relationships
  • Optimising value systems
  • Measuring intangible assets
  • Aligning scale and scope
  • Delivering shared services.

Economic network analysis

  • Identification of regional innovation clusters
  • Understanding structures of international trade and investment
  • Input-output analysis
  • Analysis of economic policy networks
  • Understanding local community structures.

World-class credentials

Our team is at the forefront of their field. The world's leading social network analysis software, , was developed by Martin Everett here at Çï¿ûÊÓƵ, in association with Steve Borgatti at Boston College and Lin Freeman at UC Irvine. Applications are being further supported by theoretical development in dynamic systems.
